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Wetland Survey AND MAPPING in napa

Serving contractors, developers, property owners, engineers, other land surveyors, local municipalities, and state and federal governments.

Cinquini & Passarino, Inc. offers wetlands surveys in Napa County to meet environmental mitigation requirements such as the California Environmental Quality Act. All wetlands are protected by law. If you’re planning a project that could disrupt or impact a nearby critical area, you’ll need a wetlands survey. Our team of wetlands mappers has extensive experience providing mapping for hundreds of acres of existing wetlands for property owners and developers.

Cinquini & Passarino, Inc.

1804 Soscol Avenue, Suite 202
Napa, CA 94559

Office: (707) 690-9025
Fax: (707) 542-2106

What is a Wetlands Survey?

Wetlands and deepwater habitats are highly regulated at the federal and state level. As unique ecosystems, they play a vital role in water quality and are habitats to many threatened and endangered species. In most cases, you’re required to obtain permits from local government agencies to build on them. A wetlands survey involves identifying the location and size of the wetland. 

It’s not uncommon for people to use online wetlands mappers or GIS to determine whether a wetland exists on their property. While these are valuable resources, a ground based wetlands survey should always be performed to prevent potential delays. Only a professional surveyor (in conjunction with a qualified biologist) can verify and establish the wetland boundaries.

Some of the steps involved in a wetlands survey include:

  • Preliminary site visits and research
  • Wetland delineation by a qualified biologist
  • Mapping areas that will fall under wetland permit requirements
  • Assisting with site development designs

If your property contains wetlands, the United State Army Corps of Engineers will determine jurisdiction. It’s important to understand that not all jurisdictional wetlands are “wet”. Some wetlands may only hold water for 6 weeks out of the year.

What Does a Wetlands Survey Include?

After the wetlands data has been collected, it’s used to create a topographical map. The map will show the boundaries of each wetland or stream on the property. The boundaries of each of these will be clearly marked to designate their locations. You’ll also receive a report that will include the following information:

  • Surveying methods used
  • Results of the survey
  • Data forms
  • Documentation of the findings
  • Relevant photographs
  • Climate conditions 
  • Any other relevant resource information

What Factors Determine a Wetland?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service defines wetlands as having three distinct attributes:

  1. The land supports hydrophytes (plants that grow in or on the water) throughout the year or seasonally
  2. The substrate is composed primarily of undrained hydric soil (soil that’s permanently or seasonally saturated with water)
  3. The soil is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at least part of the year during the growing season. 

Essentially, wetlands are areas of land that can support specific plant and animal species because of their unique soil composition and hydrology. 

Do I Need a Wetlands Survey?

Some examples of when you might need a wetlands survey in Napa include:

  • Planning a new development project
  • Building a new road
  • Developing an agricultural field 
  • Projects that may alter a wetland, pond, stream, or Napa river

If you’d like to avoid potential delays with permits or projects, it’s best to have a wetlands survey completed. 

Wetland mapping is more challenging than a typical topographical map. One reason for this is that it often requires greater accuracy and a contour interval of less than one foot. Our wetland mappers are highly trained to provide the precise information you need to confidently move your project forward.